The rooms in the farmstead occupy the space of the former granary and their décor combines palatial and rustic elements. Wood adds to the cosiness with oak cabinets, dressers and spruce planks on the floor and ceilings warming up the interior. The rough finish of the walls alludes to the building's previous use as a farmhouse.
The deluxe rooms have comfortable beds that can be configured as two singles or one large double bed. Each has a comfortable sofa bed with a full-size thick mattress. The sofa and armchairs make the living room a comfortable place to spend time. The sleeping area in these rooms is set up a few steps above the bathroom and front door, creating a split level effect.
It overlooks the palace and the north garden with its boxwood maze.
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od PLN 589 /noc
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od 15:00
do 11:00
Here is the translation: Rules for Guests with Pets: - The cost of your pet's stay is 50 PLN per night and is non-refundable. - Your pet is welcome in the Folwark rooms and in the Pałac Kamieniec Restaurant from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM (excluding breakfast hours). Unfortunately, the Pałac building and Pani Maryla's garden are not accessible to pets. - Only one pet is allowed per room. - Dogs must be walked exclusively outside the Pałac grounds. - Guests are fully responsible for their pets while on the premises, including any injuries sustained by the pet or damages caused to other people or property. - Guests are required to properly clean up after their pets and dispose of waste appropriately. - The pet owner understands that their pet should not disturb the peace of other guests, e.g., through excessive barking. We also kindly ask that you place the provided door hanger on your room's door during your stay.
Parkování – informace
Parkování je zdarma pro všechny hotelové hosty - rezervace parkovacího místa není nutná.
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